A Black Cat's Diary Home has started to feel rather full lately, with me sharing space with not only the Master and Mistress but also rabbits, gold-fish, birds, a boisterous dog and a monkey, of all things! The gold-fish and birds dont take up much space, but I have to constantly fight the urge to devour them whole whenever Master averts his gaze! The same could be said for the rabbits, but they're rather lacking in fine meat thanks to how fat they've become, so I'll satisfy myself with the hunt of wild rabbits. The dog and monkey are less appetising but they make up for that in how much they frustrate me! I'll be taking a midday nap when all of a sudden the stupid dog will start barking like some demon hound! All because Master is taking him out for a walk, on a chain no less, such an easily pleased beast! The monkey has a habit of grabbing a hold of anything within its grasp, including my tail which is most frustrating! Luckily Master keeps it away from me as much as possible. It's for the best I'd say otherwise I'd likely scratch one of its beady eyes out! Without sounding aloof I think Master likes me most of all the creatures in the household. He's happy to have me with him about the house and he alone feeds me, sometimes even with some succulent pieces from his left over meal. No other creature in the house gets the same treatment. Master has changed lately. He has a strange smell about his person and he's not giving me the attention he once did. I've seen him take his hand to the lesser creatures of the house. I once even overheard Master threaten Mistress with violence. This is so unlike Master, I hope it's only a temporary change of person. I'd rather like some of his left over food right now. Master came home stinking tonight. I decided to greet him as he entered and he slurred something about staying out of his way so as I shunned him and turned around to be on my way when he grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. In my fright I bit Master on his hand to which he seemingly turned into a different person altogether. He was frenzied, like a demon and in his rage he cut one of my eyes out! The wound has stopped bleeding now and it appears that staying out of sight of Master will be required from now on. Such a shame, I rather liked him, but now all I feel is pure and total hatred for him. I was awoken abruptly from my sleep by Master placing a noose around my neck! A noose! I had done everything he wished, I'd stayed very much out of his sight, moving from my spot under the stairs only to eat and defecate. He had clearly gone mad, doing such a thing to me, his favourite of pets! He cried as he attached the other end of the rope to the tree, his tears like rivers streaming from his bloodshot eyes. Then everything went black and I thought I was surely doomed, my days of chasing rabbits, belly rubs and delicious saucers of milk over, but somehow, I awoke at the base of the tree, in perfect health! Maybe it was all a terrible nightmare, an old cat slowly losing his mind, but when I looked upon the tree, there hung the other end of the noose, swinging gently in the wind. Master had actually tried to shove me off this plane of existence! No, I couldnt stand for that, I'd done nothing to harm Master, quite the opposite! I made my way into the house and I found him asleep, stinking of that insufferable smell that he always does lately. He'd left a candle lit and I took my chance! I jumped upon the bedside table and knocked the candle on the floor and watched as the flames rose up the curtain! Before long the whole house would burn, and Master with it! Imagine my surprise when I saw him again tonight, alive no less! It would appear he had the fortune to escape the fire, unscathed by the cleansing orange demon. I saw him from afar in a den of debauchery, filled with that smell that follows him everywhere he goes. I sat and watched him all night, when eventually he spotted me. His face wasnt filled with terror or shock, he just stared at me. Soon enough he approached me and touched me, I did what us cats do best and purred and rubbed against his hand. He had no idea it was me! The beast he had tried to kill. The beast who had tried to kill him. He took me home and I am now his once again. Oh what fun we'll have. I overplayed my love of my old Master and it just frustrated him more and more. I could see it in his eyes, the growing hatred for me, all the while my old Mistress grew to love me more and more, and this only increased his hatred for me. I could enter the same room as him and he'd leave in a rush, like a ghost had entered the room! The more he tried to avoid me, the more I tried to be with him! Oh how times change! I can see it in his eyes! He is truly terrified of me! Should he take a seat to read, I pounce upon his lap and beg to be stroked! He walks down the stairs and I run between his legs, hoping he'll take a small tumble! I lay on his chest as he sleeps at night, wishing my increasing weight will slowly take the #life he no longer deserves from him! Today he did something that will certainly send him to the depths of hell should such a thing exist! Mistress and he were heading down to the basement when I took the chance to run between his legs, he was so close to stumbling this time! As he regained his balance he went into a rage and with the axe he was carrying he swung at me! I'm sorry to say that my Mistress tried to prevent him from carrying out this heinous task and in doing so had the axe driven into her hand. Her blood was everywhere, all over the walls, slowly dripping down the steps and amassing in a pool of red at the bottom. He showed no remorse, he removed the axe from her hand and drove it into her skull! I saw the devil himself as he did the dreadful act! I can't let Mistress be left down here; I have to find a way to notify the police! He buried her in a wall. A woman he loved, a Mistress I loved! He truly is a different person, possessed by a demon of some kind! What he doesn't know is he buried me with her! I know people will be down here looking, and when he thinks he is safe, that is when I'll let them know I'm here! He'll surely die by the gallows for his crime! I must go, I hear people coming down the stairs!
Nagib Tharani
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