Rivet-Al-Maunder Selfish shellfish and rattlesnake cattle, Old mother hen with her pointlessly long prattle, Guffawing grey whales laid on great hay bales, And Big Brother Beaver on the back of a snail, These frivolous indigenous of Rivet-Al-Maunder, Were preparing for the, annual, city centre saunter, Which coincided with the birthday of one Sybil the Sloth, A creature with a scraping, unfathomable cough, She celebrated her survival about three times a year, Because just once, she claimed, she just couldn't bear, And the village joins in, sparing no frivolity, For birthday cake, it turns out, was a local commodity, So they whooped and they cheered, and they ate cake 'til they dropped, And rolled away home, avoiding stones lest they popped, Rolling through the door, not bothering to knock, And spending the next three months jogging around the block.
Sienna Williamson
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