I am busy but when I find time I write. It is an amazing passion. Stay true to yourself
New Beginning Midnight is here An so is the new year We clap and cheer New years is here!
Love You shiver And quiver It feels so good But it hurts Moaning And groaning You skin tingles As you mingle in joy
Locked You beg and cry Yank and pry The door is stuck Your out of luck Will you die?
#limerick You run, you crawl You drag and haul Yourself to the door You beg for more Then scream and bawl Santa's here! He's here With his jolly white beard He calls and shouts Not a single pout There is no fear
Love Is A Game Love is a game Messing with your mind One day good One day bad Oh how can you stand it How could you not Love is love Love is a game
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