" Wait! " , Jane cried. " What? " , I replied, confused " Please I know you don't want this but please achieve your dream. " she suddenly dropped to the floor. My heart was racing! Nobody knew what she was talking about ; it was our little secret. Just then, I heard the door slam open. " What happened? " , It was her Father. I couldn't answer; I was in shock. He reached out for her skinny wrist and felt her pulse. I could see by the look on his face that she was dead. I ran out of the room, crying. But then, I heard a cheer. I bolted into the room where Jane was. She was alive! Jane and I have spent most of our time together. Like when I was 2 and she came to party and spilt the drink all over herself and when we went to a theme park together but she was too scared to go on the ride. The ride basically went up and down rapidly. I remember when we sang in the school choir together. We did everything together and until we die, I'm not going to let anyone change that! Somebody had said to me that my #life was ruined. Well now that Jane is with me again, they will never know what's coming to them!
Hollie T
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