CRACK.!Went the lightning,as the streak of electric rippled from the clouds above and Smash!It hit the bluff of Mount.Kragelion,elementaland.By the way,elemtaland is a magical place where anything could happen!Miles away at a place called: crayon,there lived a boy, Bruce Wilson,lying on his dinosaur themed bed!Today, may 23rd February 2030,Professor widlin announced Bruce as an official monster mash trainer tamer capturer fighter person!(A.K.A ommttcfp!)An ommttcfp is responsible for:Training,capturing,fighting,breeding,taming and world saving! There were also the '50 famous teams' or 50ft!A bunch of evil grunts,trainees,admins and masters!Bruce's job's to stop them with a legendary team!Although he was 9,he was ready and braced,carrying many things on his back in a red-leather backpack!At 10 PM he left and walked 700 yards to the prof's.House.Bruce knocked on the door of the lab to see a very wise man.There the professor stood,looking down at Bruce like he was a stranger,and stroking his short grey moustasche.Then he got a glance of Bruce's ommttcfp clip on celebrating badge.Then he smiled nicely and lead Bruce into the depths of his lab.Mr.Widlin yanked his steel key out of his pocket and inserted it in the lock.He let Bruce go in first and triggered the power switch.Infront of him there stood neat piles of equipment and other stuff. "Hello Bruce,today you're here to help!Iam doing research on monster mashers.However I have TONS of work to do and can't manage it all on my own.So could I ask you to fill this monster mash scanner with all the data you get?Asked thr Prof. "Of course Professor!"replied Bruce kindly. "Thanks a ton,"the prof. said back. "However you'll be having more friends coming!" Bruce took ALL the equipment he would need!Table to table he scooted.He even took loads of junk,tape and bits and bobs to create stuff when he was surviving.So from there he said a farewell to the professor. Chapter 2:Catching and training some awesome monster mashers! Bruce wandered off, following a gravel path that lead to a field of grass and trees!Suddenly,something ramg in Bruce's pocket.There was a contact device! He answered it and realised it was from the professor!
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