Deal Or No Deal
When 'deal or no deal' first started it was quite simply a gameshow. People chose random numbers that they thought meant something and a guy would call and tempt them with an offer of money to stop playing. We watched for a while and enjoyed it. However, after a while we stopped, as it was essentially the same every day. If you were to turn it back on now you would notice that all sorts of phrases and rituals have developed. You can have a 'blue round', box 23 is apparently the 'death box' since it has had the £250,000 in it more than any other, sometimes they all link hands and chant 'blue, blue, blue'. My worry and essentially the point of this entry is that if left unchecked will DOND develop in to a cult? All the current contestants are housed together while they become indoctrinated in to the DOND way of thinking. By the end they are all happy to offer advice on which random box, that contains a random sum of money that you can't possibly predict, the current player should pick, and often they will cry when someone goes home with a small amount of money despite the fact that they have done absolutely nothing to earn anything at all. We have Noel as the God figure always on your side and a 'banker' who is apparently malicious and wants the contestants to lose even though he is paying them for a box which he gave them in the first place! I think it's high time someone had a long hard look at DOND and considered the option of having a few sane people watching on rotation to make sure it doesn't get out of hand. They won't though and 50 years from now the rebels in the country of DONDonia will read this and wonder why no one listened.