Not Meant To Be Today I got the text, The one that said you have another. To the universe, this event is just a speck. To me... well I felt smothered. I wouldn't say I'm mad. It's more like a little emotional swirl. I guess you could say I'm mostly sad. But I'm certain if you knew, you'd just think me an immature little girl. Right now I just feel drained, After a year and four months, I'm probably a little less sane. Waiting so long for your touch. I don't want you to think me selfish, So I won't let on, That I got too hopeful; how foolish. I won't show, exactly how I'm let down. I'll go out, I'll have fun, Be with my friends, And laugh at every pun. But I know when I go home, it won't be the end. I'll probably cry, I'll probably be awake most of the nights. Think about what could have been, and wonder "why?" All my feelings wound up tight. I hope she's pretty. I hope she's nice. I hope she shows you off to the entire city. And in hard times, always gives you the best advice. I hope the sight of her drives you wild. I hope her kisses are sweet, and her intentions true. I hope she makes you feel like a reborn child. I hope she's the girl who fit your glass shoe. My greatest wish for you is that you feel exactly as I felt around you. In real, true, deep love. I wish that you never feel blue, And that your relationship never gets smudged. I'm not just trying to be sappy, But I really don't have any more to say... All I want is for you to be happy. I don't know what I was expecting anyway.
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