The Story Of My #life Don't leave m... Everything is so dark. I'm shaking, even though I don't know why. I can't remember anything. Why, why can't I remember anything? I have always hated #life, not because I live a particularly hard one, no. I hate #life because I can't find a reason for #life to exist. We are not needed, that have I always thought. But, now... What am I now? Where am I now?! I have been here for, I don't know how long. Dangling around in this darkness. But, I have had some time to think. And yes, I have had that feeling, that I might be dead. But I can't remember, dying... I have had this stone in my heart. A stone that keeps me down, a stone that tells me that I hate #life... But surly, #life can't be worse than this madness... I have made my choice, "I what to live"! Suddenly. A stream of light from somewhere. Not a bright one, actually kind of dark. But in this total dark madness every sparkle can make your eyes fill with tears. A heavy wind that did not make a sound, come blowing in a direction toward the brightest point in the thick darkness. When I been pushed a bit closer to the light I could, recognize what it was. A door where standing right in front of me in midair! A voice told me to come inside. I hesitated for a moment to clear my throat, and then I took a quick step through the door. The room I’ve rushed into where elegant, it was not bigger than an ordinary living room. A small bar with some cute drinks, shoot out form the right wall of the square-shaped room. On the black red carpet, where a beautiful grand piano magnificently placed. “You want to play on it don’t you?” a voice said from the other side of the easily lit room. “Go on, it won’t bite you know.” As the voice sad that part a small daemon came out from the shadows. He was not higher than my waist, and his big head with that creepy smile made me feel uncomfortable just by looking at him. “Don’t be afraid” the little daemon sad, as he slowly walked around the room, waving his hands and arms like he was dancing. After a while, and I still hadn’t sad anything, the daemon took word again. “Want a drink? Or maybe you would prefer not.” I lied, I said that I wasn’t thirsty at all. Even so, I have not had a drink in a long time. “Very well” the daemon sad, “let’s just enjoy the music then”. He walked to the bar and on that dark brown surface where now an old school gramophone placed. He lifted the arm from its holder and placed the needle in one of the many slits on the black gramophone disk. We were both standing there for some time, listening to the music that the gramophone played for us. It was something I hadn’t heard before, something jazzy. When the song ended and the needle fell of the disk, the daemon began to speak again. “Now it is your turn to play for me” he said and pointed at the black piano in the middle of the room. “But I can’t play, I have never done it” I answered with an unexpected sharp voice. The daemon had begun polishing one of the white horns on his thick skull. He began to look at me again with those creepy eyes. “Can you not play?” He said. “Or is it just, that you can’t remember how?” What he said was true. I could not remember if I ever were able to play the piano, but anyway. Even if I could before, it would not help me now. “Please, try” the daemon sad and made a graceful gesture towards the piano. I sighed, but did as he told me and walked towards the piano. Just as I was going to sit down on the chair, I noticed that I had a black suit on me, with small white stripes. “Is there a problem sir?” the daemon said in a friendly tone, I did not answer. I sat down, and began to play. I did not know what I was doing, but it did not matter either. I started to feel strange again, as I began to remember my #life. And not just the #life I’ve lived before I died, I remembered everything, all my #life’s I ever lived and all the mistakes I’ve ever made. But I also remembered all the good things that have happened to me. I played the story of my #life for a couple of minutes, and then my song came to its end. Those minuets playing on the grand piano gave me hope, and will to live. But most of all, I wanted to play on that piano again. I took up my hands and started to play. But the piano disappeared just as my hands should touch it. “Isn’t it delight full?” the little daemon chuckled happily as he said it. “Everyone wants to play on it another time.” “It’s how the circle works.” I remembered now, I have been here before. This dark room feels more like a home to me than any other place where I have ever been. I am always only here at short stops, before entering my new #life. And what is driving me you ask? The song, the song I play every time I get here, it gets longer for every #life I live. And the longer the song, the greater the pleasure becomes. “You want me to go now, don’t you?” I looked down at the little daemon as I said it. “If you don’t have anything more to say” he answered back. “Well I be off then” I began to walk back to the door I came from, into my new #life. “You can always play again when you come back you know.” He smiled bigger than ever when he said it. “I know” I told him. “Goodbye” The daemon began to wave farewell at me. Goodbye I told him back, Goodbye god! I turned around and walked through the door. As expected, just as I left the room. I forgot everything. // Tobias Glans [Inspired by "Soul Eater"]
read more...A Grey World The world is not a dark place, but it isn't full of lights nor. The world is filled with gray people doing gray things on a gray planet they named themselves. The people with power try to separate the gray into white and black. So that they can create there own world with things they like and without things they hate. But the thing is. We are all different from each other, and it should be that way. But no one is perfect, we're not even perfectly gray. So that is why I say, you can not be good if you can not be evil nor can you be evil if you can not be good. The balance must exist.