World War II: My War I lifted my head at the hiss of static, Johnny stood by the wireless, his hand still on the on dial. His blue eyes looked away from his hands and rested on mine, terror in his usually cheerful face. His mouth was pressed into a stern line, and his hand raked though the browny blond hair curling over his head. I raised my own hand to my hair which was of the same shade and looked over at our father, his hands were shaking, the fear spreading through the room. I kept my courage, and placed my own hand in his, he grasped them hard as a voice began to speak. The voice was slow, business like, as if it didn't comprehend what news it was giving to its countrymen and women. Finally, after a few moments of information there came the one sentence that none of us wanted to hear, "I have to tell you now that no undertaking has been received and that consequently this country is at war with Germany." I felt my fathers hands tighten around mine and watched as a tear crawled over Johnny's cheek. Annie, my four year old sister in her red pinafore and white cotton shirt climbed onto my lap and asked me why he was crying. I shook my head at her question, what can you say in this situation, what can you say to a child when their brother might die years before his natural time. "Sissy?" She pursued, I looked down at her, her blue eyes stared back at me questioningly. I paused before answering, "Johnny may have to go away for a bit that's all." I pulled her close, resting my chin on her head. Father still hadn't spoken, his eyes clouding over, misting with tears. He had been in the first Great War and he had come home, so many had died, so many would die again. He cleared his throat roughly, "Will you go?" He asked, Johnny looked at me, a pointed look and I stood up, resting Annie on my hip. I gave a grimace and walked out into the kitchen where my younger twin brothers, Bobby and Charlie, were sitting at the table. They looked up at me, Charlie's eyes darkened at my approach, as if he expected the bad news, for a six year old I must say he was very clever and well informed. I nodded slightly at him and his head dropped, mimicking what he felt his heart do. I smiled brightly at Bobby, moved towards him and deposited his sister gently next to him. I went to the cupboards and took out some oats and milk, on such a day as this we should give the kids as much happiness as possible, maybe a distraction for them and us. I could hear the shouting coming from the main room and it was obvious that the children could also. I called to them, picked Annie up again and told them to follow me outside into the sun. I picked up a basket of wet clothing and Charlie and I began to lay it on the line for it to dry. I heard the crunch of feet on the tiny gravel pathway leading to our house from the village, a cry came from the child on my hip and I myself began to smile. Bobby ran off to meet the newcomer, Charlie followed, dropping the item of clothing he was holding and I put Annie down so she could do the same as her brothers. The gate swung shut and a voice called my name, "Catty." I turned around at the call to see a young man walking down the path, he was smiling, but his grey eyes were serious. I found myself following my siblings, dropping the clothes and running to greet him, I flung my arms around him and for the first time that morning allowed myself to burst into quiet tears. He pulled me closer to him, whispering, "You heard then?" I nodded slightly, burying my head in his shoulder blade, "How could we not Richie?" I murmured, I heard him agree, then pull back and nudge me towards the gate. I wiped my eyes then looked up and saw his sister enter through the gate. Her grey eyes took me in, observing the red polkadot dress and the bare feet, the children crowding around us. She came towards me, holding out a soft skinned hand. "Oh, darling, so you're Johnny's beloved sister?" I looked at her sceptically, but with a serious look from Richie I grasped his sisters hand and smiled warmly. "So you are Richie's sister Rosa? It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled back and then displayed her left hand, on the forth finger rested a silver coloured band. A wedding band, "And of course don't forget your soon to be sister in law!" I nodded, why Johnny had chosen her I would never know, but he had, and if that made him happy then I would be happy for him. I winked at Richie, picked up Annie again and led them through to the kitchen. I could still hear shouts from the main room and when they heard this the two boys eyes began to fill with tears. I put Annie down at the table and marched into the room, closing the door behind me. Father was properly crying for the first time since mother died and Johnny was shouting a reply to him. "Be quiet!" I shouted, Johnny looked up for the first time and saw me in the room. He looked so terribly pained that I put out my hand and grabbed his, squeezing it comfortingly, "Johnny, your fiancé is here, go and attend to her, and father please, please stop crying." Johnny dropped my hand, gave me a cold look and then left the room. I dropped down beside my father and pressed my forehead to his knee, he placed his hand softly on my head, "How can this be happening?" He asked me quietly, "How can more be called to war?" He pulled his hand down until it rested under my chin, then he pulled my head up so I looked straight at him. His eyes demanded answers but I had none, I could not explain the savagery of men, it was not in me to do so, but who, who could ever explain war? Who could ever explain why so many had to die? For a great cause, no! So many had to die for a mad mans desperate wish for power. "How has so much of your lives passed me by and I haven't noticed? How could my baby boy be ready to go to war? To death?" I closed my eyes, in the time of war, no me should ever talk about a loved ones death, as that would be the best way to kill spirit. I stood up at his words, in that one moment I utterly pitied him, my own father. I lifted my chin defiantly, and said, with the most determined voice, "Believe me father, Johnny wouldn't dare die on us. Is that why he is angry, because he believes he will die?" Father shook his head, but wouldn't say anything else. No more was said on the subject until later that night when Johnny knocked lightly on my door and then entered. I was sitting on my bed, my hair wet over my shoulders, staring into space, the wireless on in the background. Annie sat on my lap, her eyes closed, breathing light and sleep like. I looked over a Johnny as he entered. He looked tired, his whole face weary with fatigue, he sat down next to me and placed his hand on Annie's hair. "Are you angry with me?" He asked, I shook my head and then leant it on his shoulder. He leant his own head over and put it on top of my own, his hand grasping mine, tears falling down his face. "I don't want to be alone." I murmured, he paused, taking in what I had said, then whispered, "You will have Rosa with you to take care of the children with you, and father." "Father hasn't really been there since mother died, and if you think Rosa will ever do a day of work in her #life you are utterly mistaken, and I can't do it without you or Richie." "You don't like her?" "It's not that, I'm jealous of her. She is the type of girl who has had boys following her around, the type of girl who has never had to take care of four children since she was nine." "Four!" He said indignantly, and I giggled. I lay back on my bed, and after a moment he lay down beside me, Annie squeezed in between us. "Is there no hope Cat?" I kissed him on the forehead, like mother used to do when we cried, "Of course there is." I said, and he relaxed, falling asleep in the bed, Annie cuddled up to him and gave a blissful sigh. I don't remember exactly when the twins came into the room, but as I am a very light sleeper I woke up at their entrance. Bobby crawled over the bed to Johnny, wound his wiry arms around him and fell asleep. Charlie came over to me, and I put my arms around him, "Johnny will be fine wont he? If he goes to war that is." For a moment, I wondered about lying to him, telling him that it was definite, but what would be the point? "I hope he will be Charlie, I hope he will." Looking back on it, that was the last time we were all together, all of us brothers and sisters. The last time most of the people I loved were in the same room, the last time we were at peace before death.