Edward Shoesmith 1. 'Identity is a transient state that can be precipitated by an overwhelming awareness of self.' droned Edwards lecture, as Edward finally fell asleep after fighting back the tiredness for the last hour. In doing so Edward lost his muscle tension, and relaxed, slapping his head on the desk with an almighty - thwack. Startling Edward and his fellow student but for Professor Lions it was nothing unusual. Edward was in his second year at collage and though becoming more experienced in #life by the week, hitting his head against the desk was an all new experience and not one he wished to repeat. So he folded his arms and dug his finger in his bicep, to distract from the sleepy stupor. Coming to the end of another long lecture with little interaction with the students Professor Lions distributed the marked course work without any fuss and set the next assignment 'Persistence of a constant self is an unreasonable notion. Discuss.' and without further interaction Professor Lions retired to the study at the back of the lecture hall. Edward released the vice like grip from his arm, hastily dropped in his corse work and collected his bag an mooched out of the lecture hall to meet-up with his friends in the collage bar, it was Tuesday it had been a long weekend and he was gasping for a pint and a chat. Edward was the first to arrive and after picking up a pint and a packet of crisps from the bar he settled in the conner of one of the groups of four sofas. Taking a long drag from his larger tops and opening the packet of crisps in a well rehearsed mover. He pulled out the old phone from his bag and posted a brief message on the collage forum, more out of habit than need, everyone new where he would be straight after his lectures. The message pinged...