Book Review
Title: A Monster Calls
Author: Siobhan Dowd/ Patrick Ness
Rating: 10/10
Ages: 10+ (theme may not be suitable for younger audiences, or anyone who has suffered similar experiences)
Starting off, A Monster Calls is originally written by Siobhan Dowd, although her tragic death from cancer prevented her from finishing it. Patrick Ness was requested to take over.
The book follows the #life of Connor, a boy about 12 years old, whose mother is seriously ill with cancer. Connor has very vivid nightmares about a giant monster, who visits him in his dreams and demands the 'truth' from him. The book follows Connor through his emotions at this time and what he has to deal with on a daily basis.
This book is by far one of the most amazing books I have ever read in my #life. It's emotional, humorous in some places, and so beautifully written I was reaching for the tissues by the end. I would thoroughly recommend this book to anyone. The book has an opening from Patrick Ness himself, which ends with the statement, "Here's the torch me and Siobhan held together. Now go. Run with it. Make trouble." In my opinion, this is exactly what he managed to do, and pulled it off brilliantly.
I can follow the emotion and feelings if the main character, as I have a family member who had cancer. This book handles the issue well, and doesn't try to sugar coat it. Definitely worth full marks!
Sienna Williamson
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