Here's the real thing, a follow on from the sneak peak.... CALIFORNIA!!!!
•~ Round Up ~•
Louise's wedding gets interrupted. Corrie reunites with an old friend and Bessie sides with Kennedy.
•~ Part 1 ~•
"What do you mean?!?!" Corrie said in a voice so quiet it was almost a whisper.
"I mean what I said, Corrie. Kennedy killed Lucas."
"Mum, your gonna be the prettiest person there!" Jasmine sang to Louise and then whispered to Louise's best friend Bessie, "Don't show her up, ok?"
Bessie had come in to put on Louise's makeup, and she had all the men after her.
"Look, you two," Louise told them firmly, "It's five to 1 and it starts at 10 past, we're gonna be late. Just phone the cab."
Jasmine nodded and Bessie reluctantly picked up a phone and called a cab.
"Why couldn't we have hired a Limo?" Jasmine asked her mum.
Louise didn't answer, but she rolled her eyes.
"It's coming," Bessie sang.
Jasmine disappeared into the kitchen.
"What if it doesn't go to plan?!?!" Louise started to panic, "What if-"
"Nothing will go wrong, Lou. Nothing," Bessie reassured her
Dallas tried to calm Corrie down, "She's not gonna find all of it out. She'll just know that Kennedy killed Lucas, like the rest of the church."
"OH NO!" Corrie yelled at the top of her voice, "YOUR NOT SAYING IT IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CHURCH!!"
"Yes I am."
"But you'll let me, wont you, Corrie," Dallas threw her to the wall, but not meaning to do any harm.
He brushed her hair out of her face. "Won't you?" He repeated in a charming voice.
Corrie pushed past him and ran out of the door.
The sound of organs played and the church was full of excited voices. Kennedy was standing at the front of the church with his 19 year old nephew, Laurence, and the vicar.
"Ready to see her?!?!" Rita told her friends excitedly.
"Yes, we are, my wife," Malfoy kissed her on the forehead.
They got married when they were 20 and they had been married for 30 years.
"Here she comes," Corrie gasped, from a few rows back.
Here comes the bride started playing and the doors in the back opened.
Louise stood there and began to advance the vicar me Kennedy, who didn't turn to even look at her...
"Do you take this man to be your husband?" The vicar asked in a angelic tone.
"I do..." Louise giggled, but without enthusiasm.
Kennedy hasn't even looked at her in her dress and makeup!!
"Do you take this woman to be your wife?" The vicar repeated in the same sweet tone.
"NO!" Kennedy bellowed and walked swiftly out of the back door.
Murmurs swept the crowd, but Corrie seemed relieved.
"Outrageous!!" Rita muttered loudly.
"I've never liked him, honey," Malfoy agreed.
"STOP!!!! DON'T MARRY HIM LOUISE!!!!" Dallas bellowed.
Corrie sighed, "Well at least he hasn't said-"
"Now he's done it!" Corrie groaned.
Jasmine ran out of the church in floods of tears and Laurence ran after her.
"What?!?!" Louise breathed.
The vicar gasped, "This is a home of God, peace-"
"SHUT UP!" Corrie yelled and she stood up in fury and stared at Dallas.
"Kennedy didn't kill Lucas," Bessie screeched from the other side of the church.
"OH YES HE DID!!" Dallas snarled.
Corrie ran out of the church to go and find Jasmine and Laurence but she found, Ethan, Jasmines other half brother. Corrie had liked him for ages, but he went and played hopscotch with other women.
"Hey, baby," Ethan grinned.
Well this is a change of story, Corrie thought, better take my chance.
She grabbed him and pulled him in towards her an kissed him...
"HE KILLED HIM!!" Dallas bellowed.
"No he didn't," Bessie argued.
Louise was torn.
Ooooooo, will Louise believe Dallas with the truth or Bessie and Kennedy's lies....??
So the first part of California goes off with a bang, we now have Laurence who ran after Jazz, but why? And bad boy, Ethan with Corrie, but what about Bessie? Why has she sided with Kennedy?
We also now have a stable marriage, Rita and Malfoy, can it last?
In the next few episodes, I will introduce a pub, (traditional for soaps) and they will also be longer as I will have more people to write about.
So please like, comment, follow, repost and tag 3 friends.
Any ideas what could happen? Comment.
I'd love to input your ideas into California.
(Ask to be tagged if you like it).
•~ Xoxo Lelo Xoxo ~•
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