Opposites Make Equals Before note: I'm not sure what this is exactly I just felt I had to write it. It's not great nor is it particularly bad (in my standards) but I think it's one of the only pieces I genuinely like that I have written. It was kind of inspired by #depression, which I myself have not experienced so please don't hate... But, I'm open to your thoughts. Enjoy!! The darkness consumes the street. The wind blowing silently yet noisily. Laundry flapping in the wind suspended from above, window to window. The street seems perfect yet menacing. The twisted branches of the cherry trees seem to reach out and touch the girl walking softly yet angrily down the rough cobble roads. The shadows reach out to touch her, yet she appears to be glowing. A warm soft glow, lighting up the bluebells in the window boxes. The sea lies ahead, waves crashing into the sharp rocks. She seems sure and yet uncertain about where she is heading. Tears spill down her cheeks and yet she has the most wonderful smile upon her face. The wind seems to pull her towards her destination, but... Who would trust the breeze. The dazzlingly white cloak she wears flies as fast as she now runs, covering her features in a mask of shadow. A drop, and endless drop below, raging yet calm water covers the endless darkness waiting for her. She knows her purpose and she doesn't. So many times she has called, called out into the darkness. No one came, and yet that pleased her. She knew one thing was right. She lifted the hood uncovering her makeup of darkness and revealing it to the light. To the#moonshe looked, the beauty of the sky. Stars twinkling out just for her, she mused, while soaking up all the rays of light into her hazel skin. Her eyes shone just as bright as the great crescent in the sky. The darkest blue and the brightest orange. This girl was not afraid of anything and yet she feared herself. The crevice into eternity seemed so welcoming so warm and yet so trapped and lonely. Before she could think to much or to little, she dived. Head first, falling as fast as she had ever travelled before. Thrill and yet terror of not being in control. As she neared the end, time seemed to slow. Every second felt like a millennium. How had she lived so long and yet so little in all the years. Suddenly and slowly. Something tugged at her sleeve. Yanking her up. Pulling her back, away from the abyss. She cried out. She flew high, high into the air as if she had wings. The sky was so free. The colours seemed to change and get brighter and brighter. The stars turned into one star. Shining bright in the endless blue. Arms. Enclosing in on her. Pulling her back to reality. Heat radiating from somewhere. She looked up. Right into the eyes of a familiar yet unfamiliar face. He seemed to be laughing. Holding her tight. She realised she was laughing to. Noise. Noise breaking through the silence she had not noticed. As if she was the silence itself. Her giggles and his giggles, washing it away as if it were grease on a saucepan. The sea seemed even closer now. Lapping at her feet. Tickling her toes making her laugh even more. "You slipped" said the boy beaming at her. "Oh did I ?" She chuckled "I'm sorry, I won't do it again". And there they stood. On the crowded beach in the hot sun. Holding each other close. Wanting, willing never to let go. There is no light without darkness. No happiness without sadness.There is no good if there is no bad. Rising sun is always true For fog shrouds the shadows.
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