Linthana - Chapter 1 ~ You cannot protect what wishes not to be protected. ~ "You cannot force me to stay here father!" "It is your duty to stay here, Anearthia. It is here you are needed." "It is not. I should be at the borders, with Ereathan!" "Screaming will not benefit you, child." "Let me go, or I will leave without your consent." "You will do no such thing." Anearthia grumbled angrily as she turned on her heels and stormed out of her fathers large quarters, slamming the doors shut behind her. Her hands rested on the handles as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, calming herself. Then she released the doors and headed out of the doorway and into the beautiful nature that surrounded the wood elves' small but beautiful home. She continued quickly and determinedly for nearly a quarter of an hour along a small, hidden path that led to the outskirts of their city, and to the large stone wall that surrounded it. When she arrived she athletically climbed to the top, seating herself there and stared out into the forest outside of her home. She longed to see her twin again. He had been gone much too long for her liking. She wanted nothing more to join him at the front and make sure he was alright, along with their uncle and many friends. Not a lot of the green forest elves were left behind. Most were women, but several men who had important jobs already or who were assigned certain tasks had to remain as well, such as Anearthia's father, lord Aarthon. Apart from being very busy with the job of acting the protective father role with his only daughter, he had taken over most of the kings tasks whilst he was participating in the war. It had been lord Aarthon's decision to let only one of his offspring go off to fight, keeping the second at home. The fact that it had been his son that went off with the rest of the troops was of course due to him being male. For the millionth time Anearthia cursed herself for having been born a girl and threw a rock over the edge of the wall she was sitting on in frustration. "And what, I wonder, would my lady be doing sitting on the city wall?" Anearthia jumped at the sound of the unfamiliar voice and turned around quickly, rising to her feet and grabbing for her dagger as she located the male who had spoken. "I apologize, my lady! I didn't mean to startle you. I just found it curious that you would be spending your time sitting out here when I would assume your tasks would be in the city." Letting out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding she relaxed her body and sat back down, this time facing away from the outside and staring at the elf on the ground. "And what is your reason for being all the way out here?" She asked him. She had been convinced she was the only one who knew that small, nearly destroyed pathway that seemed to led nowhere until you reached the end of it. She'd found it long ago and came out here when she wanted to be alone, so she didn't like her sacred area being discovered and shared by anyone else. The boy smiled a crooked smile and tilted his head ever so slightly before he equally as agile as Anearthia had done, climbed the wall. He seated himself beside her, looking over the wall and into the forest like she'd done moments earlier. Anearthia frowned and moved so she was sitting sideways on the wall, staring directly at the newly arrived elf. "I followed you here of course. I must say, you really have found yourself a brilliant getaway. This is certainly quite a view." She continued to watch him carefully as he gazed across the treetops. "Why would you follow me? Who are you? What do you want?" She asked. He chuckled and turned to face her, still smiling that half smile that was creepy and, frankly, a bit attractive. "My name is Finrod Gaelnthirn. I was assigned by your father you follow you and make sure you didn't leave the city." He said, obviously humored by this task. She rolled my eyes and looked away from him, growing increasingly angry with her father. "And if I had attempted to escape the city. What would you have done?" She asked, annoyance clear in her voice. "I would have had to forcefully bring you back to your father." He stated simply. Again Anearthia rolled her eyes. "As if you'd be able to do that." She mumbled. Speaking up a bit she continued. "Since when have you acted as my fathers little spy?" She asked. He made a small grunting noise to signalized he'd been offended by her comment. "I am not your fathers little spy. However, I do owe him for getting me well after I arrived back from the front." He said, no longer smiling that cocky smile. Immediately Anearthia snapped her head in his direction and nearly knocked him over. "You were at the front!?" She nearly screamed, grabbing a hold of his shoulders to make him look at her. At first he seemed slightly shocked at her reaction, then he raised his hands to make her let go of his shoulders and closed his eyes, remembering the fighting he had been forced to leave. "I was, yes. I was severely injured and had to return here. The healers decided there was nothing to do for m-" "Tell me, did you by any chance get to know Ereathan?" She interrupted him, desperation in her voice. If he was back here in Lanthela, then he must have left along with Ereathan when the elves who were chosen assembled to leave all those weeks ago. "You are quite rude for a royal," he said, leaning backwards slightly. "Just answer my question. Did you or did you not get to know Ereathan Valthen?" She pressed. Finrod sighed and shook his head. "I am afraid I did not have the pleasure to make the acquaintance of your twin." He said slowly, watching Anearthia carefully. The words sunk slowly, and as they did, her face dropped, sadness filling her clear light blue eyes. Finrod's expression softened as he watched her hold back her tears. "Your father asked me the same thing. In fact, to inquire about your twins condition was the sole reason why he was so keen to save my #life. I could not give him an answer regarding Ereathan, but I do know that the king is healthy, and so is the prince." She looked up at him, trying her best to hide he hurt she felt. "That is good to hear. Very comforting." She smiled, sighing when she didn't sound as convincing as she wanted to. "I don't think you should worry. The king would have let me or someone else know his nephew had been hurt if he had, so we could bring the news with us when we returned." Finrod said, trying his best to find something to say in comfort. "Unless he feels he should be the one to tell us, in person." Anearthia mumbled, a tear running down her cheek. Story by AnJMJen
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