My joke book By Alexander Jordan KNOCK KNOCK who's there? Lettuce Lettuce who? Lettuce in its raining Why did the tomato blush? Because it saw the salad dressing What did the policeman say to his belly? Your under a vest. Sophie's mum has 4 children January February and March, what was the name of the fourth child? Sophie. Knock Knock Who's there? Boo! Boo who? There's no need to cry it's only a joke! Knock knock Who's there Noah Noah who Noah good chip shop, I'm hungry! Knock knock Who's there Dummy Dummy who Dummy a favour and clear off! You say two snails robbed a tortoise can you describe the Robbers? No. It all happened so fast! What breakfast cereal squeaks when you put milk on it? Mice crispies! Where do you find very young soldiers? In the infantry! Where do Dutch Guinea pigs live? In Hamsterdam! Knock knock Who's there Cows go Cows go who NO.Cows go moo Where do Astronauts park there spaceships? At a parking meteor! Why are authors such strange creatures? Because tales come out of there mouths! Doctor doctor I think I'm shrinking! Settle down and be a little patient!