This Feeling Do you ever get that feeling? You know the one, like the whole world is aginst you, like there's not a single soul in the world that would bother to help you. I have that feeling, I get it a lot now days. It makes you feel invisible and sometimes it makes you feel like everybody is judging you. When I get that feeling I just want to bury my head in the sand, forget to world, create a dying hole. Other times a get a piece if paper, draw my feeling, a black scribble of dispare? A lone balloon, floating in a sky of tention, with clouds made out of tears passing by. Other times I'll just cry myself to sleep, most nights actually. I don't feel like I have a haven, a safe place to rest my head while all the sorrows around me busy themselves. I think many people get this feeling, but they don't admit it, this feeling has no name we can put a pen to but when we expierence it we know exactly what to say. This feeling makes us seperate from the rest of society, its a reject, and outcast of every other emotion. If this feeling was a song, it would be the saddest music to your ears but you'd keep listening because in some erotic way it makes you feel understood. Don't be afraid to admit this feeling, don't be afraid of the reprucussions.
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