This I Believe This I believe, you very weakness in #life, that mountain you can’t climb can be your biggest strength. I didn’t ask for my disability to happen… it just did. I didn’t ask to be born in one of the poorest countries in Belarus and hardly being fed any food I and water… it just happened. When my birth mom was my age an event took place in Russia. It was called Chernobyl. To make this short Chernobyl was one of the worst nuclear “explosions.” A Factory in Russia basically mouth functioned causing radiation to flow thousands of miles. Obviously my birth mom and dad were both exposed to the radiation. When I was born I was given “second generation Chernobyl” birth defects. So that’s why I look different! I’m still pretty mad about the people who ran that factory. There have been times were I thought I was a mistake made by a “man made” accident. So why would I be thankful for my disability? After all it wasn’t my fault. Well I don’t think I would be “Olga” if I didn’t have my disabilities. I wouldn’t be sent to America to get medical help. I wouldn’t be taught at one of the best high schools. There are a lot of things I wished could have happened. Like no nuclear accident, no disability, and no orphanage. But ironically if those things didn’t happen I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now. I would still be living in a poor country. My birth parents wouldn’t be able to provide for me no matter how much they loved me. It wouldn’t be a great place to live. Is a disability so important that you are willing to give up the #life you have now? It’s not to me. And yes, it’s hard to except myself some times when our society tells us we need to look perfect. Well to bad for those advertisers on TV, magazine, radio, exc. I could really careless! These events has made me much stronger then I could ever be! I don’t think I would be as good of a problem solver as I am. With only one arm you can only do so much. I also have learned not to judge someone by there cover. I have a different out look on #life (most days). Like I said I wouldn’t be “Olga” if I wasn’t disabled. #life maybe unfair but its how you deal with the situation can determine who you are as a person. This I believe!