Translate   13 years ago

The Legend Of Zelda: The Revenge Of Dark Link Chapter 2 '' Hello Great Deku Tree!''. '' hello there '' in his deep sounding voice ''do you mind if me and Zelda stay here for a while? ''of course but Link if I were you I would take a look at your house before you let your highness in there. Your best friend Mido might be playing a prank on you very soon .'' '' ok, I'll keep that in mind!'' Link showed me around and avoid visiting his house for now. He told me he had a surprise for me at the end of this tour. I got to meet lots of Links good friends like saria and some of his bullies like Mido . When I met Mido, I could tell how awkward this conversation was and how hard he was trying to be nice in front of me. When I met saria, Link talked about how she was his only friend. I felt like saria was a really nice person. After meeting all of the koriki Link showed me his hiding place he would go to if he felt sad or lonely. '' Zelda only you and saria knows about this place if Mido knew he would probably destroy it!'' we both laughed . It was getting dark and we both got out of Links hiding place and into his house ,luckily it is right behind his house. But as soon as we entered the door way ,a big bucket of mud came tumbling down on us and got Link and I all dirty! ''Mido!'' Link looked for a light to wake up but Mido took all of the light bugs . It was too dark to go walking to the water source so we had to go to sleep in mud! I have never felt so disgusting in my #life! Link let me use the water he saved up to clean my self up a little. I was still dirty! But at least he cared. I went to sleep and had another nightmare. It was him. Chapter 3 coming soon! Any thoughts or ideas for what comes next you decide! Pursued me to use your idea and it may be in the next chapter or so!

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