Translate   13 years ago

The major signs of the day of Resurrection: ... .... ... ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. fall of seven princes of States 2. emergence of Imam Mahdi 3. emergence of the Antichrist 4-emission of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him 5. emergence of Gog high mountain 6-sunrise from the West 7-doors closed 8. repentance will start ground to mark the Muslim 9-the mists will prevail on the Earth for 40 days and will kill every believers right so as not to yshahdo the rest of the tags 10-great fire will cause the wreck said the Prophet s.a.w. (((that's the news about me am #quoted him on the day of resurrection Place in Paradise))) focused on the talk focused on the talk focused on the talk focused on the modern Lord pussy are published by the Arab (Translated by Bing)

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