Torn Apart Someone hurt me today. My best friend. I have been in some drama with a few of my other friends, who my best friend seems to side with instead of me. I truly thought that if anyone were to grant me support, it'd be her, but i have now been corrected. I refused to tell her a secret of mine due to the fact that she may tell others, and she became angry with me. Throughout the rest of the day, she continuously got up from her seat and went somewhere else with the friend who was mad at me and they texted across the table about me. I have never felt more excluded and alone in my #life. I thought I had ridden this form of bullying way back in elementary school, but the old enemy that ripped me apart as a child returned. She got up in my face many times commenting rude and sarcastic remarks such as "unbalanced people tend to fall.". She posted things on twitter. She gossiped to my other friends. She ruined my #life in one day. My heart is sunk and my mind is clouded from how the one person that held everything in my #life together, was now tearing it apart.

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