The Memes Go To The Arcade Trollface is a little boy aged 10 He has a little sister called nyan cat And a brother called forever alone. Now you've met the main charicters lets go on to the story. One day trollface had a dream where He met the famous laser firing shoop da whoop. And they went to the arcade together and won a me gusta doll in the golden holy crane machine, that only rich men could afford to go on.He met his little sister there and she won a golden nugget in a biscit. But just at that moment trollface woke up! He was dissapointed that the dream was not real so he thoght of a plan to make it all come true.First he got up,brushed his teeth and got dressed into his epic face spotted rainbow t-shirt and black and yellow lightning strike trowsers.And went down the neon green twisted stairs,down to the pich white room where his brother and sister were sitting watch VTB ( very terrable broadcasting).And he asked them if they would tell if he took troll dads car so they asked why "I may meet shoop da whoop!" said trollface "Can we come?" asked nyan cat and forever alone." we wont tell if you let us come we promise!" "fine then....." trollface said reluctently. So trollface,forever alone and nyan cat went off in troll dad's multicolered portal car.Flying at 600 mile's an hour and guess how long it took them to arive 2.93 seconds! And they arived at the arcade ( that nyan cat and forever alone diddn't know they was going to) And troll face and the kids hid behind the arcade and installed a shoop da whoop detector in the door and pluged the reciver into his flaptop A.K.A flying laptop and went back home. They cheaked there computer when they got back and found out that every 1:38 in the morning shoop da whoop sneaks into the arcade and allways comes back with £ he secretly playing games or is he robbing them? So the next night they cheaked there divice.thay continued cheaking every 1:38 in the morning for a week but they downloaded a camera for inside and hes not just playing games he steals toys to exchange for money for the next day! They were shocked! Shoop da whoop was waisting toys and money! So the next day they went to the lapis laser headquarters (shoop da whoop's lapiz lusili house) and conplained."why are you stealing toys shoop just why!" shouted nyan cat.shoop da whoop was very enbarrised "realy sur?" said the guards "We have proof!" said forever alone "oh then show us then"* nyan cat passes the laptop and plays the security canera video* " gosh little girl your right he's a dirty thief!" said the seceruty gaurd "bu...bu...." mumbled shoop da whoop. "your going to the roll jail where you will be locked in with 10 singing rick ashleys" said the guards "Noooooo!" screamed shoop. "thanks kids your a big help said the other seceruty gaurd patting them on the head."well this was in intresting week guys said nyan cat as they got in the car. when they came home they went to bed where they had lovely random dreams. THE END
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