intelligent Do you think it is difficult to say who is intelligent and who not? First of all, how much money you earn sais nothing. What school you've attended, too. If you laugh about others who said stupid things, makes you stupid because you have no idea of its meaning and if you are the one who laughs because the guy laughed who don't get it, well... and so on. For me, wasting of time, isn't it? Well, intelligence is like time a non existing value, but of course its opposite. If you exchange time for knowledge you increase your intelligence. If you waste time with waiting for wonders you loose nor raise intelligence. In both time is gone. BUT if you don't think about time and enjoy your #life with watching, listening, feeling, reading, travelling, UNDERSTANDING and of course working you just WIN. Intelligence is like Time, relative. You can increase, loose it or just leave everything like it is. Intellectual activities and arrogant fooling around is just a silent cry for attention. #life is not about who is the most intelligent or the best. It is not about being the first or the one who won. Leave something of your mind for others, that they leave something and teach. You and me are 2 pieces of the puzzle. Together we are intelligent. But just if we coexist in peace.
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