Translate   12 years ago

Career Path Pondering After a night of clubbing with baby seals I collapsed on the couch in front of the TV. A reporter had spent the day covering the trial of Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik. Apparently he prepared for his massacre by playing Call of Duty. Breivik is obviously a lunatic but nevertheless he had some sort of success with his "project". It made me wonder if computer games as a simulation tool could be my way to fortune. After studying the mechanics of the game "Bubble Bobble" I had my concept ready. Giant soap bubbles as a cheap non-polluting transportation device. I had some problems finding the formula for the bubbles and a fall from the roof plus a sprained ankle later I decided to abandon that idea. Screw environmentalism. A more cynical approach was needed. Grand Theft Auto was chosen instead. Unable to locate my rocket launcher I jumped right into yanking people out of cars. I quickly learned that my current facial bone structure could be subject to alteration. By trial and error I therefore decided to avoid guys twice my size. However shortly after an old lady pepper sprayed me and with a follow up kick in the groin I concluded that crime was not the way to go. Back to the drawing board. I stumbled upon an article stating that race car drivers used consol games to get familiar with different race courses. Eureka! Speed freak in spe. After 12 hours of intense simulator training on my Wii I am ready to take on the world. I'm sitting here in front of an abandoned mine shaft in my gokart. The pockets in my red overalls are filled with mushrooms stolen from my odd looking neighbour and turtle shells from a nearby pond. I'm only a moustache away from achieving perfection. Now there is nothing left to do but wait for Bowser, Toadstool and the others. Plan B: Plumber

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