Translate   8 years ago

Dream Follower Follow your dreams they said to me, so I did. I walk this path in total harmony, not afraid to walk alone. You are never truly happy till you do. Things will be tough but #life just seems to get better. No stress, no worries, no trying to fit in with a crowd that is unlike you. Yea, you might sit there and just want to give in, but if you hold strong things will play out the way you want it to. I sit here with no job, but yet I'm not homeless. I love my #life and wether I wait one day or three months for a job, I will still be happy and at peace with myself. I have accepted things as they are, and I have accepted the way my #life will play out. It has brought me peace. Stress is a killer, get away from stress, live the way you want, and #life will become simple even when things get hard.

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