Translate   13 years ago

It's Just I walked swiftly away from the trouble I heard from a house on the street. I hear a gun shot. I'm shot in the back. I stumble toward the bus stop I see where I know people are. Hoping they can help somehow. I fall on the edge of the curb. The pain has become so much to handle that my body goes numb and I can feel the numbness growing through me. As this is happening my eyes slowly close. And my whole #life flashes in my mind. Like fast forwarding a VHS at hyper speed. The only feeling I have left is of someone holding my hand and crying my name. Everything is now dark and numb. I open my eyes to a very bright light. I am now a child again, maybe 5 years old. The bright light is of my sisters lamp that was attached to her drawing desk. And I'm pushing my toy cars along the edge of it. I then start to think how I'm moving it. Questioning to myself 'how I work'. I wake up.... Just a dream.

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