übersetzen   8 Jahre

Untitled I sat in my dark bedroom. The window was open and the only light source coming from it. There was a time not too long ago where I would have feared windows and everything that stood on the other side of them. It was a much simpler time back then, although it wasn't too long ago, but I didn't wish for anything different. "Amara." I rushed to the window and peeked down. There he was, in all his glory, my favourite being in the world. Caleb stood beneath my window, peering up at me. "Are you ready?" There was so much loaded into the question, into the way he looked up at me. He loved me, I knew that now, but I wasn't quite sure I could take the leap. I wasn't sure I could go from my world to his. I was, after all, not as human as he.

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