Translate   9 years ago

Lost I am with my sisters, brother and mother. We eat, drink and play. #life is good and i am happy. Mum says we live with humans they are nice they play with us, give us the food and the water we are loved by them. My human is happy today she picking me up giving me lots of hugs. We are leave the place i call home she is walking with me in her arms far away from the place i call home, from my mother, brother and sisters. I am scared i want to go home. She stop and is waiting another human is here. He takes me now i am really scared i dont know whats going to happen to me he puts me down and there are more humans. They keep touching me, picking me up. I want my family, i want to go home. They bring in another dog, i am so happy to see another dog maybe i can be happy now. He doesnt like me he keeps making mean noises at me and biting my neck. I am alone and sad. The humans make load noise at me i dont under stand why. They make them when i go toilet when i try to talk to them or when i find a chew toy they are always angry at me i feel sad and unloved. I have to fight the other dog it hurts. He wont let me eat and the small humans keep grabbing me it hurts they hurt me why does everyone now hurt me. this is home now my mum, my brother, my sisters and my humans are gone why did they leave me. The humans are shout there is banging on a wall i am shouting because i am hunger and scared. I am put in a room and left there on my own so i shout loader for someone to find me for someone to save me. It feels like i am in the dark forever. Then the door opens i just lay there. I hear someone calling me i dont move i feel someone picking me up i look its my human. My human takes me home i still dont move. My human is crying i know she loves me but i am tried and want to sleep. I sleep, i am at piece, i am happy, i am loved

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