Translate   9 years ago

Day 1 It was my new time being "the new girl" in a school as I've never been to this ghoulish, unpleasant place before. My mum made me go! I had no choice. Who knows what's going to happen here, memories or nightmares? Okay enough chatter about my scared feelings, what actually happened?... So I got up in the morning like usual to get ready, but only this time it didn't feel like this was the same as I usually get up,there was some sort of unbalancing feel in the air. Although I thought nothing of it and carried on walking out the door, mum waving in the living room window. As I just caught the bus, being one minute late, I began to think why this morning was so different to other mornings? And the feeling I had that I have never experienced before, 'hm, strange' I thought to myself. As time passed I saw the gates of the deadly school in the corner of my eye, 'maybe the students are the opposite' I thought to myself whilst shaking myself to get together. I took one footstep onto the pavements of what's most likely going to be living hell and I felt a shiver run down my spine like a raindrop on a window during a bad weathered day, I thought 'this is not happening...' Thanks! If you enjoyed the beginning, see a "Day 2" very shortly.

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