Translate   8 years ago

Lost in Memories No matter how hard I try to forget, No matter how many days pass, No matter what I do I cannot get him off my mind. I cannot stop drowning. No one told me what heartbreak was really like, No one told me that everything collapses all at once. I still seem to find something new every day that reminds me of him. The untouched toothbrush left behind. The stuffed bunny on my chair. The wind blowing through my hair. Heartbreak dwells in every corner of my being, his scent still lingers in the air. We were one, we were something but now I'm broken. I know it's for the better, I know with time these thoughts will change. But right now I'm lost in memories, -- kisses, and heartbreak. He broke me, but god it was so worth it. Now I just have to deal with this pain.

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