Love Yourself Trapped, cold and restless, Darkness clouding my vision, Fear, harsh and unfeeling, Destroying the remnants of my remaining hope, The smell quivering my senses, Smoke swirling in a vortex of nothing, My body damp with sweat, As the haunting yellow of fire blazes, The smell of scorched flesh attacks my nose, Swirling beautifully in its heated glow, Never again such pain will I allow, to take grasp of my innocent soul, I was warned of the scorching of flesh, and the pain of scorn, The piercing stab of love at first sight, and the all engulfing swarm. The swarm of heat that enfolds you, in its clutches like fire, that burns, hurts and beats you down. Like a depressed dog at the pound. The fire wraps your hand in his, desperate to fulfil its needs, Until you decide, that somehow, your free! Don't fret say's me. For you will see. That one day soon you'll realise, that the fool was he. The fire burns bright, I know, and promises the heated glow. But theres no longer a glow, where one was before, The fire, trying to turn your glow to stone. Take care little glow, take heed. Don't let the fire extinguish thee, Love comes and goes, is a game of give and take. Don't make the same mistakes. Take care of yourself, Love yourself. Truly.

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