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Tragedy #PrayForBrussel I know that it has been a while, I have not had any presence here for quite a long time now. But earlier today, I was made aware of the horrible attack on Brussels. I will not attempt to write a #poem about this horrible event, as it is too much of a tragedy for me to think to hard of it. Instead, I choose to write a few words, I hope you listen. A great man once said "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself" I pondered this #quote, wondering the true meaning of it. When the true meaning stumbled upon me today. We are not all great men, in fact, most of us, including myself, are very far from it. But within us, is the ability to be great. That, is what seperates us, from animals and brutes The ability, and the desire for greatness. But most of all, out ability, our divine ability to be great-together. I, as well as millions of others, have shed a tear today for those lost in the attack in Brussels. We cry not for ourselves, not for hate, not for revenge, and not even of fear. Today we cry for those lost, and for the families of them, and their families and so on We shed a tear for the many who will be all but frozen with fear brought upon them by the terrorist group known to us as ISIS. But tomorrow, we will shout We will shout not for vengance, not in fear, but for justice. Justice for those who have been taken from us. And now, I ask you for one favor Stand up Stand up for humanity, and our persuit of greatness Stand up, Against the boundries of oppression Not national boundries, not oppresion of religion or race Stand up against the boundries and oppression of fear, Against those that wish to keep us from acheiving our greatness, Stand up against them because they keep us from being together Stand up for love, Stand up for peace, Stand up for greatness, Stand up for pride in our greatness Stand up for our war, Not a war for god or for country, Not a war faught with guns, bullets or bayonets, We will fight a war on fear, And we will fight it by having no fear, We will have no fear by standing up, Standing up together to fight the forces of fear, Stand up for freedome, Stand up for hope, Hope that we will one day overcome, Stand up not because you have to, Not because you have to, Because you want to, Or because someone told you to, Stand up because it is right But most importantly, Stand together, Stand together in the impenetrable line of humanity, Stand so close together that no ammount of fear, or anything, that could ever tear us apart We will stand together, Or we will not stand at all

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