I sit and study everyone around me. I think about how there day has been going and wonder what chooses they have made in the past, good or bad. I compare my #life to theirs and think, why? Why today they chose to do something. I think what there childhood was like, like if they were a "leader"or a "follower". Maybe they made a disunion to late or to early. "You'll regret the things you didn't do". I regret not taking a chance to do something that might have changed who I am today. What if someone was a leader of the same thing, like if they don't mean to be a "follower" of something and that's just who they are, is that how they make friends, to be alike someone? There are so many things to think about in the world such as what am I going to wear tomorrow, what am I going to do now, it was an accident what is he/she so mad about!? All the questions you ask yourself or someone happens when you do something, you do something when you feeling an emotion. Your emotions are controlled by you! Your emotions change the course of your future, what happens now is what happens later. Your child hood happened because of choices you felt were right. The mistakes you made change because of you , to keep moving on or staying in the past.