My Dream In Clouds Silent night:Chapter 1 It's a quiet,lonely,silent night in my bedroom,Christmas eve has approached and all but one child can sleep,Me,I'm Lillander,Lilly for short,I am miserable,Well not miserable but I'm a Scrooge bah hum bug,just kidding,still though,my poor grandmama is alone,she does not live with us in our mansion,still she is alone for Christmas,and as Jesus said,you are never alone,and she couldn't even come for my last carol concert in,Fairbrooke Primary,Yep I live in Fairbrooke the richest,noblest,humblest Kingdom. Santa:Chapter 2 So Santa is coming tommorow I can't wait,Mother,Said we're gonna see grandma,wait.So I eventually slept but still Horror,I woke up at 12 and there he was,the real thing