Hope. I hope one day, somewhere in the near future we're strong enough to sit in eachothers comapny and look back on the times we had together and smile. I hope we can sit, a cup of coffee or maybe tea in our hands and talk as we did when we where that bit younger, oh how I hope we can laugh, we always laughed. We laughed so much in our time togeher. Theres no doubt about it I miss you. I always will miss you. I hope, or I'd like to hope you miss me too. You where a big part of my #life, you fixed me up from the wreck that I once was. But sadly you also broke me. I hope we can one day sit with eachother and talk everything out, laugh and cry if need be. I think it might be needed one day, just so we can both put our past behind us and move on fully. I was young and difficult when you met me, you where that much more grown up and knowing of the world. I hope one day, I'll wave you goodbye without feeling slightly hurt. Hopefully one day it will happen.