Traducciones   10 años

Will-Blades in this world there are two kinds of people, the first kind can call upon there will to form weapons called Will-bladed. The others who don't have this ability are considered weak by all, most with this ability are forced to fight with one and other, but there's one who escaped this cycle of never ending pan. His name is Lock. He was called the king of kings, he got that name by being the most blood thrust one in a fight showing no mercy to anyone. Then nine years ago he just disappeared, like smock into the night sky. Some think his dead most know his alive, “Did you ever think Lock lost the will to fight?” a young man with long white hair says looking at the drink in his hand. “Who are to talk like that boy?!” I”m just exhausted listening to you talk.” the slightly older man jumps out form behind the bar holding his hands by his heart, all the people in the little back room of a bar knows his calling on his Will-Blade, “Blade appear'” as the man yells the room go's form a pleasant warm felling to unbelievably cold, all in the room are running out in fear, the young man at the bar looks calm still, “you have some balls coming in my place of business talking about things you know nothing about! Now whats your name!?” the white hair young man looks at him it's Kcol” he says as he walks out of the bar remaining in a clam state as if nothing was going on. Before Kcol gets out of the bar he looks at the man holding the Will-Blade. Now with the look of pane as if he had seen to much “It takes you to long to call on your blade, if the fight came down to one move you would be dead before you new what happened” “you think so” the man yells as he rushes Kcol pushing his Will-Blade down with all his power. “I know so.” Kcol says as the man hits where he was standing, when the dust is gone the man sees he hit nothing Kcol is gone. “Was that Lock?” “Kcol come play with us!” The kids in the betting down town but newer town yells, “Not today kids I have to much on my mind but later I'll play, OK?” “OK Kcol but don't for get! If you do I'll be sad with you” the “how can I forget” Kcol says with this sweet face looking at the little girl, he walks in his box of a house, before he can sit down he here's the kids yelling out for help! Kcol runs out of his house to see a hand full of people along with the man for the bar, his holding the little girl with his Will-Blade around her neck, “Whats your name?” “It's Kcol” “Kcol, your right my blade is slow to appear but it's fast there's no way you cued have sirfibed my blade unless your a wilder! But there more most can't see my blade when I'm coming full force only the once who have truly been to battle theirs only one left, the king of kings Lock!” “What are you talking about?” Kcol says with the same look of clumsiness on his face, “You missed me because your to slow, it's not because I'm this king of kings it's your not good with a Will-Blade. The man holding the blade gets over taking with fear and hate, in a fit of rage he starts to cut the girl, Lcole starts calling outt his Will-Blade, the sky gets the darkest it's been in nine years the wind starts blowing knocking over everything in site. “let her go or die” Kcol says in theclamm read to kill at any moment, the man drops the girl to run for his #life. The little girl runs to me crying holding me by my feet. “Think you so much Kcol, you saved my #life, Kcol looks down at the girl “You don't have to think me little one, now come on in lets get you cleaned up.” “Kcol can I ask you something promise you'll tell me the truth?” Kcol looks at the little girl with the look of sorrow in his eyes about what happened. “yes I'm Lock” “Then why didn't you do anything when the fighters came two weeks ago to take my sister!” “I” “I, don't know, When I try to call on my Will-Blade this crippling fear comes over me.” “But Kcol! I just seen you call on your Will-Blade” “No little one you seen me use my Will.” “If that man didn't run there would have been nothing I can do to save you.” The little girl runs out crying more now then before, as she's running out Kcol's looking at my hand the one I control my Will with. “How long are you going to stand back there?” “Very good I would expect nothing less form the King Of Kings.” the man in black says as he walks out form inside the shadows.”That's not my name anymore Lock is dead.” “But I do have to ask why did you lie to the kid?” “What are you talking about?” “Kcol you don't have a fear that stops you form using your Will-Blade, you don't want to use it because you killed Scotty when you where trying to save her. The only reason you saved that kid is she reminds you of her.” “You don't know what your talking about.” Kcol says in a low voice knowing his right. “Then tell me Kcol.” “Nine years ago I was sent to kill a town. With I have done so many times before. But when I got there I seen how this people where just trying to get by with close to nothing, something felt wrong” Kcol says as if he is reliving it. “I walked in the broken town to use my Will to help get this people back on there feet. After about two months it was as if I was one of there own, not long after that I fell in love with this girl Scotty. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen with, long read hair with pink along the back eyes as white as the light form the sun, a body form your best dream” “Lock you really loved her didn't you?” “I told you my names not Lock, he was killed the same day Scotty was” “Scotty and I didn't have much time together, it fells like as soon as I told her I lover her they came” “Who cam Kcol?” “the willders, they all came for me, I told Scotty to get ever one in the town out, all she wanted to do was stay with me” Kcol says crying seeing it in his head, once more reliving the pane, “I got Scotty to run just in time, I didn't want her to see who I really was, a cold blooded killer,” “When I was sure the town is empty I called on my Will-Blade destroying the rest of the town,” “The ten men sent to take me back looked scared they new just as I did that there was no hope for them. With one move I killed them all, I didn't need my blade, but I wanted to make sure nobody would come for me anymore.” “Kcol” the man says trying to fight back tears. “What I didn't know is Scotty came back to the town looking for me, when I used my blade killing the once who would take me form her, my blade hit her forcing her into rocks,” “Kcol you can stop now you don't have to say anymore” “I ran to her knowing I can save her but the way she was looking at me, Scotty looked at me like I was a monster, she told me the man I loved was dead. She was right the lie of a man I told her I was had been taking form her, now all that was left was the truth.”

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