#life Works In Mysterious Ways #life works in mysterious ways. We get thrown to the ground. Pulled and pushed. We get tested on our limits. And kicked while we are down on more the one occasion. #life teaches us lessons that even we don't know the answers for. But we get back up. We carry on fighting and we don't give up. We fight till we can't fight anymore. And that's what's makes us human. We cry, shout, scream, smile, laugh, curse, scare and fight. We all do it. We all test each others limits and we all help those in need. We struggle even when times are so dark we don't know what for anymore. But you wanna know what I have learnt through all the dark times. Is that there is light at the end of every tunnel. It's at its darkest right before dawn. So when we all wanna give up or we see some one struggling. Remember that this is human. We all struggle and we need to fight Through and do the best we can... Cause we never know when our last breath will be taken away from us.