Traduzir   10 anos atrás

To My Futur Child Everything i do right now is for you. The steps i take the moves i decide to make are for you. I love you. And i will protect you. But you gotta know that there is only one person that loves you more than i do and that my darling is the Lord. He will give you what i can not. And if there is anything you will learn from me throughout these many years is, follow jesus. Believe in him, trust in him and love him with your heart and soul. Never turn from him for he is your path. He is the light. And any other path will only lead you to dark death. Your father and i will do our best to love you as we are supposed to here on earth as your temporary home. But one day you will return to your real home and that will be your happily ever after. Dont fall in love with the earthly things they are no good for you. Wait for the lord he will not forsaken you. If you get lost and youre feeling confused. And if for some reason i am not with you hold on to my words "patience my darling patience, the lord is coming" and your heart will be free.

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