Tradurre   9 anni fa

The Curse Of #life The curse of #life #life is a sad song to be shared among men of ruin, men of shame and sorrow. But as long as we dwell in the pain, there will be no light for tomorrow. For how long must a man dwell in the hurt, and pain? How long must the tears flow without cease, as blood flows through the vains? Why must we grow weak, and pale, our wretched body's growing frail? Is there a reason for this curse called #life? Before you answer dear friends, let me tell you true, beauty is all in the eye of the beholder, and its what we choose to see, and what we choose to believe that is true. So if you see a hand accursed, for you it may be true, but choose to see the good in #life and joy may yet come to you.

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