Translate   10 years ago

There once was a grandma that loved her grandchildren very much. She would spend large amounts of time, thinking about them each in turn. Ezekiel , Zeke for short, was growing up much too quickly for her liking. He was now in his last year of elementary school and he stated the lack of recesses next year May scar him permanently. I assured him we all feel this way. Zeke likes to ride motor cross ,read about hobbits , and create things out of virtual cubes. He swears he will come live with me when he goes to long as there is a closet full of coffee involved. My next grandson Willam, yes that's spelled write, loves playing electronic games. He believes school is good as long as lunch and recess are involved . He can also follow patterns that may confuse some rocket scientists. He is a very quiet young man with deep dimples and a gleam in his eye. I think he is quietly planning to take over the world. My youngest granddaughter, yep a girl,has brown curly hair, tiaras, tutus, sparkly pink shoes, and a will to match any drill sergeant you care to match her with. Hear her roar. I also have one curly haired granddaughter that beat us to heaven. I am sure my dad is smiling and showing Anilisa all around. Finally, for know, god knew I needed another young man to love so Lucas brought us Austin. this young man turned his like upside down but found it pretty cool to be right side up for once. He's making friends and figuring out the guitar pretty quickly. He'll fit right in. I put prayers love hugs and kisses into these gems daily. Unfortunately, I do no get to be with them that often

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