Forever Fallen & Epidemic "Forever Fallen" is my first try at a romance kind of book. It does involve fallen angels and I do get most of my inspiration from Fitzpatrick's Hush Hush series but I'm doing my own thing and trying to see where it goes. "Epidemic" is my second attempt at a horror survival series based obviously on zombies. I'm a fairly sadistic person when it comes to writing horror books so expect a lot of graphic scenes and don't think the series is going to be all "rainbows and unicorn dust" cause I get this stories inspiration from The Walking Dead and the 28 days and weeks later TV show and movies. PLEASE SUPPORT ME AND GIVE ME IDEAS OF WHAT I SHOULD DO IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OR WHAT I SHOULD DO TO MAKE THE STORIES BETTER. ALL FEED BACK IS MUCH APPRECIATED! GOD BLESS!