Translate   11 years ago

Ditched Chapter 1 My #life as an Invisible Nobody (no, I don't usually write about this, but this is how I feel and it is about me, and my #life... Therefore everything I will tell you over the next couple chapters will be based off true events that happened to me.) It started. Sixth grade. Third term. Why was it me? My name is Emma. I am invisible. Well, not INVISIBLE, like, nobody can see me. But invisible like, I feel rejected. When ever i come to join a group of my class mates they just walk away. Here's my story. It started. My small 110 student private school was having a grade give six seven sleep over at the school. We decided to play a game. Said game was called "kick the can", fun. Actually, it was fun. My school has two floors, fourteen available rooms to find in, including the gym and a lot of hall space. We had at least five people at a time be it. Me and my friends hid in the gym and I once saved everybody besides me, from being in jail. Then, we did girls vs boys. The first round the girls were it and I got a third of the boys, even the nut jobs who decided that they "didn't hear my voice" (liars). However, the next round, was when my #life as an invisible nobody started. I hid in the equipment room. Dozens of shelves with cones, pinies, jump ropes, and other items. Also, there were cords, wires. And three, large, stacks of big, red, dodge balls. No one, would dare, hide there. No one, except me. I hid for at least ten long minuets when, I heard an announcement. Saying that there were three girls left. Then they said their names, but I didn't hear mine. When the announcement ended I opened the door into the gym to listen to them, they were talking about the three girls missing. Then one boy questioned if there was another. But the principle said no. I, was, heartbroken. Not only had my classmates forgotten me, but my teachers, non the less my PRINCIPLE as well. I almost started crying. I wanted, to get caught. So I kicked the stacks of dodge balls behind me, letting at least thirty balls fall on me. I was knocked out. For a minuet. I heard footsteps walking towards me. Then gasps. Then you'll never believed what I heard next. "Ha! Guess we forgot one!! How must THAT feel!"

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