Translate   11 years ago

To Teach Is To Learn Prologue: A soot covered man charged into the throne room, leaving a small black trail in his wake. The head of the royal guard quickly blocked the man's path. His inky blue eyes were cold, and a thin frown crossed his face as he stood before the smaller man. "King Felix! Your daughter is impossible!" It was the magic instructor who was supposed to be teaching the princess how to defend herself. The head guard hadn't even recognized him behind all the soot that blackened his face. He looked like a chimney sweep after a hard day's work. The head guard stepped back, not wanting to get caught in the man's cloud of blackness. "I quit!" The instructor snarled and slammed the singed book of spells which he was carrying down at the foot of the thone and marched out of the room. The King rose from his throne, a tired look in his eyes. He was only a human, incapable of casting spells. That was why he always carried a sword. Unfortunately, his daughter wasn't nearly coordinated enough to wield the weaponry. She was, however, half elf. The beautiful princess was the creation of an arranged marriage of a human prince and an elven princess to bring peace to the land. She lacked the grace of her mother and the fighting capability of her father, hence why magic had been forced upon her. With her elven blood, she was capable of using magic. But Princess Izabelle was struggling. The King picked up the spell book and fingered through it with a soft frown on his face. It was very simple magic, though there was apparently a vast margin of error if the instructor wound up covered in soot. The King thought for a long moment, looking at the pages. "Leone." The head guard turned to look at the King. "Yes, my lord?" He asked him curiously, mindful to keep an eye on the door. "You're a daemon, correct?" The guard furrowed his brows at the King's question. Why would the King be asking about his species? As if the large black bat wings that poked from his back and long silky black feline tail that slipped from his waist weren't enough to confirm the King's question. "Yes, my lord." He answered him easily, still confused at his question. "Surely you know magic?" "Yes, my lord. What would a daemon be without magic?" Leone replied evenly, praying that the King wasn't beginning to suggest a job change. "You've been by my side since Izabelle was born. I wish for you to stay by her side now. Defend her as if she were your own, and teach her how to fend for herself." It felt like the weight of the world had been dropped upon the guard. "My lord, I am no teacher..." He swiftly warned the King, making sure that he was heard clearly. "I know, Leone, but you're my last hope for her. If you can't teach her, then I'll know not to exhaust any more resources." The King spoke with a sigh and handed the daemon the surprisingly heavy book of spells. "Yes, my lord." He stiffly bowed and left the room, his gaze not revealing any of the emotions that swirled around inside of him. Somewhere in the distance he could have sworn he heard death bells ringing. Oh, wait, that was just his imagination hinting at what was yet to come. Chapter One: Leone had gotten changed quickly after he was reassigned. The light chainmail armor he wore beneath his black shirt had been removed, leaving him dressed in a simple black cotton shirt, a light weight black wool coat, and a pair of dark blue jeans. His pin straight black hair had been tamed to the best of the daemon's abilities, though a few stubborn strands poked up here and there. He was only comfortable knowing the fact that he was still the head of the royal guard. And the idea of guarding and polishing the castle's most precious jewel had slowly made the daemon feel a bit better about himself. He stood outside her door, frowning softly as he heard the gentle, tired sobs that could only be from the princess. She had to be informed of the change, he presumed. He raised a hand, extremely hesitant about disturbing the young lady at such a bad time.

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