Translate   11 years ago

Families Love The war part2: 2 years later Silky: "LUNA!, Come back here now!" Luna: "Sorry mum but gotta go, bye!" Silky: "What am I gonna do with that pup?" Stacey: "I don't know through her in a pool of eels?" Silky: "NO Stacey!" Silky: " I'm going into town and I'll be back sometime today, ok." Sol, Stephanie and Stacey: " Ok." When Silky went to town she saw a man with this wired out fit and he was holding along pole and at the end of it it had wire making an oval shape. She saw that man chasing a white dog that had black paws and with a bit of brown at the end of the tail. Then she realised it was Luna. But Silky saw a paw of a cat holding that long pole. Then Silky knew that it was a cat wearing a descise. Man: " Come out come out where ever you are you mutt!" Silky grabbed Luna and ran back to the junk yard. A year past Luna: " Bye mum." Silky: " Do you really have to go into a war?" Luna: " mum I can't let Sol go into a war by himself he'll be killed." Silky: " Ok Luna do what you must but make sure you send me letters about the war." Luna: " Ok mum." A couple of months later All the cats and dogs in the world were having a war in a desert scratching, clawing and biting each other. Luna: " Sol u don't have to do this!" Sol: " Who are you?" Luna: " Don't you recognize me?" Sol: " No I don't and should I?" Luna: " ... No." Luna looks down at the ground sadly because her own favorite brother doesn't recognize her. Then all the dogs heard a Big Bang like a bomb setting off. Dozer: "What in Lords name is that!" Piddle-Claws: " muhhahahahahahahahaha, I AM UNSTOPPABLE!" Piddle-Claws has a giant metal soot on that is shaped like a cat. What happenends next wait for part3 Luna turned sadly because her favorite little brother didn't notice her.

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