Translate   11 years ago

I ran my hand tenderly over the silky soft head of a small, black creature. A thankful purr came from it, and it's ears laid back on it's head. This thing was small, I would guess it to be about six inches long (not counting the tail). It had a long snake-like tail that was longer than it. This tail was currently wrapped around my wrist as I stroked it's head. A small knock came from my door. "Sara? It's Donny." The muffled voice of my friend came through the wood. My mom must have let him in. "Just a minute!" I called back to him as I scooped up the little creature. The small spirit let out a confused squeak as I gently placed him into his box under my bed. I had taken the lid off an old box of mine and made a makeshift bed out of it for the little guy. The bed was rarely used though. After hiding my new pet, I opened my door for Donavan to enter. He was me a suspicious smile. "You haven't been out for a few days, what's going on?" I felt my cheeks warm slightly. "Nothing." Donavan began to look around the room for any changes. His green eyes mainly scanned my tv set up and where I place my iPod and tablet. He probably thinks I got some new toy to play with. "It's just too hot out. Yesterday the temperature went over one hundred, I don't wanna be in that." I twirled a stand of hazel hair around my index finger. Donavan shrugged, "I haven't noticed." "What?! Seriously Donny, it's freakin hot out! Where have you been?" The desert heat put my mom's car in the shop a week ago. June was my least favorite month, just because of the weather. A small squeak came from under my bed. I gave the bed a glance, then looked to my friend. Donavan was staring at my bed with a small smile on his face. "What are you hiding?" He started to walk over to my bed. I quickly cut him off. "Nothing, let's go out or something. I'll tell you later." He looked around me, and I watched his eyes widen. A feral look came to his eyes. Then a defiant cry came from behind me. Donavan narrowed his eyes, and small paws wrapped around my ankle. "I know what it is. Let me explain before you start chasing it around the room." "You better give me a good reason not to if you wanna keep it." His voice was a low growl and a small snarl came from the creature. This is exactly why I haven't come out at all. The little thing just won't leave me alone. I carefully knelt down to pet the little creature, but I also had to keep an eye on Donavan. "I haven't named it yet, but this is my new pet. It hasn't harmed me or anything." Donavan crossed his arms over his black dubstep tee and gave me an unconvinced look. "You have malhela spirits with you! This ones mine." I scooped the little creature in my arms. The fur along its back was raised, I didn't even know it had fur. It was so dark that when it sleeps I can't find it's head. "Dark and Night were my protectors when I was little. How could that thing help you?" Donavan was being a stickler about this. I was keeping this thing despite his opinion. Actually, I could care less about his opinion. A little hiss came from the spirit. "What if it grows..." My response was an irate sigh. "I highly doubt that thing will grow. I can't even tell if it's a small dog or a rat... Maybe a really odd cat? How about I take it home with me, and we forget it ever existed?" Donavan tried to reach out for my little friend. "No!" I pulled back and guarded the little spirit. "Leave it alone. It hasn't done anything to me." Grumbling under his breath Donavan shook his head. He was saying something about how stupid the whole thing was. I could see he was mad, but he would have to get over it. "I'm going home." Donavan marched out the room, his shoulders hunched as he kept muttering. I rolled my eyes and began to sooth my little spirit. It took some time, but a small purr final rose from the little thing. It's purple eyes looked up at me with a squinted smile on its face. The creatures black tail curled around my arm as it pressed its head against my chest. Tiny screams woke me from my peaceful sleep. I opened my groggy eyes and instantly noticed a pair of glowing green eyes nearly on my bed. My heart quickly started to race as panic surged thought me. Someone was in my room! I quickly reached under my pillow and grabbed my gazer. In a swift motion I had turned on the weapon.I lunged over the malhela spirit and jabbed the taser at the intruder while my finger tightened on the trigger. Blue sparks of electricity lit for a second before transferring to the intruder. A yelp came from the person as they collapsed. I got up and turned on my light. The malhela spirit jumped onto my shoulder as I went around to see who had snuck in. My body was shaking as I approached the person. "Donavan!" I was suddenly very mad. Donavan was curled up on the floor shaking from the electricity. He was wearing black sweat pants and a plain black tee. His eyes opened up just enough for him to see me. "What the hell?! Why are you in my room!" My fingers curled around the taser. "W-when did y-you get that?" His voice was scratchy. He slowly tried to move but he was really shaky. I reached up to pet the spirit with my free hand. It licked my hand. "I've had it. It's for spirit killers." My tone was cold and maybe a little too mean, but I had every right. Donavan managed to sit up. "I doubt that's why your mom got it." "Go home." I scowled at him and pointed to my open window. We had taken the screen out a long time ago. From now on I will be locking the window, not that it would stop him. Donavan carefully got up, and started to shuffle past me. His eyes turned a bright green as he passed me. The spirit growled at him. "I'm turning the voltage up after this." I turned a dial on the taser to increase the power. Then to prove point, I pressed the trigger. The crackle of electricity made my skin crawl. Donavan flinched as he climbed out the window. Once he was out of sight I closed the window with a loud slam. Then I turned to the bed where my little spirit was curled up. It let out a small cry, and I couldn' st going over there to comfort it. "

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