Forever Young Chapter 1 There once was these three girls. There names were Chynna,Brynlee,and Cassy. They all was pregnant in the 12th grade. They thought they made the right choice but, they didn't. The three girls had a party one night. There was three boys who stayed all night! The girls noticed they was getting a bump! They all looked in their minion full sized mirrors! They thought no way... It can't be... There is no possible way! Brynlee remembered about the party they had a few months ago! They called each other on a three way! They all said they same thing they were confused! They asked each other how it could have possibly happened! They called their boyfriends to tell them what they thought. Chynna called Kyler and told him he was excited even though he was scared. Brynlee called Devan and told him the news he was amazed yet surprised! Cassy called Tanner and told him what she thought had happened he was mad! He said to never talk to him again. Cassy was heartbroken Tanner said he was going to make Cassy have an abortion! Cassy has never cried so hard she called her friends and told them what Tanner said! They felt so bad so they all went over to Cassy's house to have a sleepover even though it was on a school night. They talked about plenty of things and what they should do. They all made their minds up tomorrow they was going to there local grocery store to get a pregnancy test!

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