letters to you May Ninth, 2014 • We haven't talked in forever. When I say "talked," I mean a real conversation, not a salutation or a meaningless comment. So here I am now, writing "letters" to you. Okay, this isn't exactly a letter, but it makes things a bit easier to pretend that we're talking right now. I hope this finds you well. So how's #life? What have you been doing the past month in the time that we should've spent together? I'll tell you what I've been doing- missing you. I miss your smile. I miss your eyes, your laugh, and your sense of humor. I miss how you just understood me without any explanation needed. I miss how you were so accepting of who I really am. I miss getting to let go and be myself around you. Part of me feels like I'm dreaming. Everyone's always said it'd be you and I until the very, very end. It doesn't seem real that all of a sudden we aren't talking. It doesn't seem real that I'm engulfed in a wave of sadness and #depression because my other half is missing. I'm broken. I think about you 25/8. Yes, I said 25/8. That's more than 24/7. I can't stand the fact that whenever I think of our little inside jokes, your laugh rings in my head, not out loud for me to truly hear. I miss "yeah" being forbidden (and I miss that you're the only person who 100% understands what that even means). I miss everything about you and more. Whenever my eyes somehow manage to let a tear slip out for the world to see, that tear is over you. A girl will laugh about a guy she likes, but she'll cry about the guy she loves. I've never had the courage to tell you I love you but I do, and I wish I could tell you. I don't fear loving you. I only fear not being loved back. I'll "write" again soon. ❤️

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