Misleading Mind Time, distance, space, velocity.. A time it takes you to go a distance threw space an the amount of velocity you are going to pass through it. At a line of point in space time you make a measure of starting, an to measure the actual rotation of earth to spin over your point in space time to the ending distance of your measure is universal time passing. How long it takes to make it to the end of what distance you placed it to be A finish, as you pass threw time in motion universal time slows down for your experience, there is still the time of the earth spinning. Everyone has there own internal clock that can only go as fast as universal world time, when not in motion. When we are in motion we slow down time, the faster you go threw space the slower time will go. We do not notice these changes on a small scale motion, at high speeds or large scale motion time do slow down a lot, we still do not be aware of this tho, an this is an example why... Earlier i said, how to get from point start to end point of exact measure from universal earth time, if it took 40 minutes to make that distance on earths rotation then in an automobile even if you are at high speeds an you make the distance in say 20 minutes when you reach your end point your automobiles clock will be off by 20 minutes an you would have to calibrate time ahead to the actual universal time of 40 minutes for the distance travelled, this would only be the case if everything ran of one time, witch is the time of distance it takes universal time to get there. You are moving say 5Km to the original 1Km it takes universal time to pass, ( just an example)' so this would mean you are moving a rate of 4 extra Km a minute to the original universal time of 1Km, you are now moving through space fast enough to slow down your time, witch is kinda backwards if you think about it but also someone once said " every action has an equal an opposite reaction", so.. You go fast an time will slow down. You are passing threw a set distance time faster, in doing so you haven't aged the rate of time it actually takes to get to end point, when not in motion. Another example is you pass an automobile when stopped at a rate of 100Km, the car was stopped... Now again you pass this car witch is now going 100Km an you pass it going a rate of 200Km, the car is stopped, there is no difference even when you pass while it is going 100Km it will look like it is actually stopped....in time, an there is no difference from the two only you are aware it is in motion even tho you don't see it. A reason behind this is, what you see, you are looking into the past, an what i mean by this is, same example with time an distance, if you turn on a light this light still has to move a distance in space time to reach your eyes to process or perceive it as on, you could say, but it will happen so fast you do not notice it of course, so really everything that happens have to take that very small distance before it hits our eyes so we are looking into the past,, we noticed after it actually happened, so when you hear about living in the here an now this could be a good example of what here an now means to our split of a split second delayed reaction to events happening around us an we view it as a now experience, when in reality it already happened an travelled through space time to get to us witch is now the past. We all have internal clocks that we control from how we proceed in movement through out a day, there will always be the set time of universal rotation of earth but if all of you were on one set time you or time would have to calibrate for the distance you travelled. Every sign of answers an truth will always be there even tho we look at or is set in this era backwards, you could say. Believing the sun rises in the morning an sets in the evening is false, our world gives an illusion of this an most of us accept it as reality, monkey see monkey will just believe, an move on. A few tips....just for fun... The closer you are to the ground the slower time will pass for you, maybe a high bed isn't a good idea, an also people who sleep 6-8 hours a night will live longer then people who sleep 8-12 hrs or below it, if you are trying to be creative it is a good idea to stay up the full 24 hrs due to increases in impulses an other reactions that bring on a creative state, but if you stay up to long say 2 weeks you will prob die... Most all of us are mono-phasic sleepers witch means we sleep our full amount in one set, you could look up or try polyphasic sleeping witch is you sleep 30 minutes every 4 hours, an in a run of a 7 day week you will experience an extra 1 1/2 to 2 days extra, i wish i had an extra day to get work finished up. Having a hard time studying you need to be in a certain mood to concentrate, our brain frequencies need to get in to that state of mind, need some help listen to some 'Binaural Beats', when listened to it will put your brain into the frequency of alert focus so when you study you will remember more since you are tuned to the vibrational state you try to manually put yourself into by your self... Thats is it, I hope some of us can adjust to a longer #life or any kind of personal development into realizing more options to your reality, an not just what has been set into you. Ever experience the ultimate high.. People who do call it 'Being Sober'.....d(°-°)b.