Mary Tongue in cheek livid widows peak gentle gaze it will be alright as long as you stare with your upward turned eyes pearly white teeth I'm certain you were born to smile Your touch permeates through my soul like the heat of velvety blackness on summers noon Absorbing energy A truly impending beauty Ultimate forgiveness and unsporting brow Your warm breath reminds me I'm alive Imminent death spontaneous #life The rivers rise for you Superior dance step by step The clouds cry for you Radiant child choose to shine on us all, for you are the embodiment of purpose and reason your Waltz is the beat of right, righteousness and the clockwork of stars in the night Your love is the moon, we in awe are tranced into your likeness and only exist because of your reflection of our skin Your imperfection is reason for hope in the night Goddess of love I'll burn in hell as long as I'm next to you I'll reach death with you I'll hold breath for you Ill be here until there's nothing left of you
Sienna Williamson
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