Is This Love? Chapter 35 Steve then said "did I say something I wasn't supposed too?" Because he saw me stare at him with hurt in my eyes. I then said "no... It's okay you didn't know." "Didn't know what?!" "That Glen, my boyfriend, is prone to panic attacks and by you saying that I don't know what he will do. He blames himself for everything bad that happens to me, even before we started dating and he was dating his girlfriend." "Oh. I'm so sorry!" "It's ok." Then Glen came in and was holding a chair while running towards Steve and screaming. He is going to hit him with the chair! What is he thinking?! I ran towards him and knocked him down. The chair smacked me in the head, but I didn't render unconscious. I got up and was just about to yell at Glen when Steve grabbed me and asked if I was ok. Then he picked up Glen and yelled at him saying "I saved her! I did nothing wrong! Did you want her to die?! You want me to take her away from you because you are not a good boyfriend! She doesn't deserve you! I helped her and you try to hurt me?! It's not like I was the reason why she jumped! It must have been your fault!" Then Glen said "I'm sorry! I just don't know what to do! I can't believe she did that!" While crying. Then I chimed in "guys I'm right here. I'm sorry I did that. I just couldn't handle my #life anymore because of Nathan!" Steve then said "Nathan?! NATHAN?!?! That guy?! I knew him from school! He went to jail! He hurt you?! WERE YOU HIS WIFE?!?!" "Yes I was." "No wonder you did that! Are you okay now?! Do you need anything?! I feel so bad! Glen I'm sorry that I thought you were the reason." Glen then said "it's okay. So when are you going home?" "Oh I'm not." "What?!" "I made a promise to myself and Maddie that I would never leave and that I would make sure she doesn't try to commit suicide." "But I can take care of her!" "Yes, but I made a promise and I can't break a promise." "Whatever. As long as you don't do anything sneaky!" "I promise I won't." Then I showed him where the couch was so he can sleep. Then I went into my bedroom with Glen. We snuggled and I fell asleep. In the middle of the night I felt something wet on my face. I got up and saw a puppy! Glen then said that he got it for me and he wanted me to be happy. I named the puppy Shade. I don't know why, but I did.
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Harpreet Styles
حذف التعليق
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Harpreet Styles
حذف التعليق
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حذف التعليق
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