Translate   12 years ago

Hair Cut Lina Pt.3 School was yesterday. It was ok. No one talked to me. I talked to no one. I looked in the mirror today. My hair was long. Very very long. Almost to my waist. My parents loved my long, straight dark brown hair and shaggy bangs. I realized the more I saw it the more I thought about them. The more I wanted to cry. So I cut it. I chopped a ton of it off. Not too much actully. About eight or nine inches. I donated it to cancer. It was about an inch below my shoulder. Maybe 2 . My bangs were cut to I think 3 inches. I felt different. My sister put my hair in to French braid pig tails. My bangs were out so I actully looked pretty cute. I have really tan skin. Brown eyes. Brown hair. I'm small. Petite. And I wear knee socks and shorts and lots of people question that but I have so many scars on my legs, I refuse to wear shorts unless I can wear my socks with them. My parents thought that made no sense. I miss them.

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